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Healing vs. spiritual cultivation

4 min read


Healing is the soothing or transformation of a wound or a mistaken mindset. Spiritual cultivation is the dismantling of the entire ego system.

Healing involves facing pain and moving toward renewal, brightness, peace, and goodness.

Spiritual cultivation transcends duality.

The purpose of healing is to overcome suffering, depression, past obsessions, and to continue living joyfully.

The purpose of spiritual cultivation is to achieve a state where pain and all obsessions are seen equally to joy. It is not indifference but wisdom beyond impermanence.

Healing may require various tools, and the range of healing tools is becoming increasingly rich. These can include: regression hypnosis, reiki, tarot, cosmic energy…

Spiritual cultivation requires only one tool – the mandatory tool: oneself. Only humans have the ability to practice. Only through the human body can the state of nirvana be realized.

Healing cures the condition of the wound.

Spiritual cultivation uproots the cause of the wound.

Healing is like the pain relief of Western medicine that soothes symptoms, providing immediate comfort but possibly leaving long-term consequences.

Spiritual cultivation is like Eastern medicine that attacks the cause of the disease. It requires perseverance and trust to calmly face the "detoxification" stage, which occurs only when uprooting the cause. ("Detoxification" is a term in Eastern medicine, referring to the stage when the effect of the medicine begins, toxins are driven out densely, then gradually reduce and the disease is completely cured.)

When healing is complete, what you receive is comfort, lightness, peace, and tranquility.

When spiritual cultivation is truly realized, what you gain is the opening of wisdom, touching the truth.

Why do I compare healing with spiritual cultivation?

Because the current era of awakening is bringing many people to a higher spiritual world. However, entering is easy, but to maintain this journey requires intellectual strength and a desire for transcendence.

If you come to this journey due to some pain that needs to be soothed, a simpler and more comfortable life that needs to be changed, or simply as an escape from an old life, you should gently approach healing methods and renew your life energy daily.

If you have reached the threshold of experiencing human life, have delved into the depth of life, and the vast expanse of humanity, perhaps you will need to move towards the process of letting go of the ego system, to reach the infinite wisdom connected to the universe.

It may sound appealing, but the deep ego system is not something you can let go of just by wanting to. You need inner strength and profound understanding of this process of shedding the cocoon. You will not cater to any ego to choose an easy path of goodness. You become bored with both peace and praise. You disdain the storms and cherish perceptions that transcend ordinary thinking. That is when you need a real spiritual cultivation journey. A process of entering oneself, breaking the subtle and deep ego walls, to liberate oneself from worldly karma, and achieve infinite wisdom, living a radiant life.

If you are still deeply healing, and not stopping there, each day realizing and letting go of the ego’s absurdities, dismantling attachments through deep understanding, not just conscious intention, then you are truly stepping into a realized spiritual cultivation journey.

The journey towards higher awareness each day - a long and not easy-to-follow journey. A journey for those truly bored with polarized thinking, the dualistic lifestyle full of worldly distinctions. Those who are not elated by praise, nor shocked by criticism, are the ones truly having the inner strength to practice and suitable for the journey of delving deeper into the subtle ego system.

This journey is not for those who still cherish being comforted, praised to pamper the ego, and call it unconditional love.

When you have a bit of inner strength in practice, you will simply see that true love is vastly different from the way love is shown through pampering and praise, protecting each other!

True love is the pure love of boundless wisdom. It is the love that can see through the other’s heart without wavering. It is the love that can do things ordinary people dare not do, because those living in the mundane cannot understand the thoughts of those who have transcended duality.

That is the wisdom of the profound. Not for those who still love form and prefer lightness, flattery.

The deep ego is hard to fathom, so the worldly matrix has never been easy to step through.

Realized spiritual cultivation truly requires infinite patience with oneself and the chaotic and confusing humanity out there.

I write this article to give you a more comprehensive view of the broad spiritual awakening picture today. To see clearly where you are, suitable for which process. You need to determine yourself clearly to choose a journey suitable for your starting point and inner strength. Avoid taking the wrong step and wasting time and effort. Because the journey of letting go of the ego and transcending duality has never been for the proud or those who love small, peaceful comforts.

Spirituality truly guides people towards enlightenment away from misunderstandings, realizing the truth.

Spirituality is not temporary healing powers.

So, a spiritual guide must also be one who aims at spiritual cultivation. Not just using psychic abilities to achieve glory or temporarily heal, soothe, and strengthen subtle egos.

When touching the truth, we simply understand that spirituality is life. A life of pure nature from childhood is a spiritual life. Spirituality is the awareness beyond duality, where there will naturally be spirit, vast understanding beyond the physical body. Therefore, this understanding is the evident manifestation of a person achieving a spiritual life. Spirituality is not simply mysterious events or supernatural powers.

Likewise, using supportive tools to connect with phenomena beyond the physical body is to understand the truth, beyond that all psychic abilities are meaningless.

Awakening is realizing a higher awareness beyond duality, ending the cycle of incarnation.

Living awake is reaching that higher awareness and always operating life from there. Awakening is not simply using a few spiritual tools or having much knowledge about the universe, or understanding many thoughts about unconditional love and awakened living.

Reading and realizing are two entirely different matters of inner awareness.


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